
Weeklyish Update

Mini Rodini And More

It is so much fun to find the very best brands in children's apparel and toys from all over the world and bring them together in our stores. But boy oh boy do we know more about customs than we ever thought we would. We were really excited to (finally) get in the Mini Rodini SS18 Drop 1 today. It's been up on our site for a couple of days in line with the release but there is something different about opening the boxes and actually getting to see and feel everything for yourself. I have to say it's even better in person. 

We wrote a big thing about it over on the landing page for the drop so I won't recount the whole thing here but packing so much sustainability into one children's collection is pretty incredible and we're super proud to be able to offer it. 

We have a lot more coming up in the next couple of weeks as well like Ouef and Rylee & Cru, and restocks of all your favorites. Niki and I are heading to Vegas for trade shows next week (primarily for Tigertree, but we'll see some new kids brands there too) so we'll try and check in from the sales floor if we find anything we have to share right away. 


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