News — Advice

Should You Bring The Kids To The Music Festival?

Advice Travel

Should You Bring The Kids To The Music Festival?

-Colleen Getzinger ABSOLUTELY Here Are Colleen's Top Five Hacks for Successful Camping and Festival-Life with the Young Children/Nap-Deprived Monsters/Goldfish Cracker-Juice Monsters Holding You Hostage Tip #1:  High Hopes, Low Expectations. Yes. Your favorite band is headlining.  They start around ten.  Your kids have stood in food lines, handled the porta-potty situation beautifully (see Tip #2), and hugged you a couple of times. One of them even took a nap, a rare occurrence in the middle of a hot field in Nelsonville, Ohio.   But, girl. I have something to share with you: You might only hear the first song. You might...

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