A Hands On Train Experience
-Josh Quinn

One of the oldest railway museums in America is tucked away near the freeway in Worthington, OH. Founded in 1948 the Ohio Railway Museum is a fascinating place where people of all ages are given the opportunity to explore AND RIDE a variety of trains. Part of admission is a 10-15 minute ride through their train yard where passengers learn about the museum's collection and, if they're lucky, spot a couple of freight trains passing on the adjacent tracks.

It's completely volunteer run, which means every person there is genuinely enthusiastic about the subject and eager to impart as much knowledge as you and your traveling companion(s) wish to gain. It also means they are only open from 12-4 on Sundays so plan accordingly!

They have everything from one of the original Columbus, OH streetcars to an amazing USPS train. It is a train yard which means you'll be climbing over tracks and gravel (and it's somehow seem 20 degrees hotter than the rest of the city) so dress accordingly.

This is their original electric locomotive where kids can climb up and ring the bell. It's probably the most popular attraction for the young and impatient types and the post ride line tends to be long, so maybe go get your bell ring in beforehand.

There is also this other super accessible bell under it that you aren't supposed to ring for some reason. I don't know why but we got yelled at about it. It's kid height with a red clapper and you're going to be in a line of toddlers so good luck.

If your kid loves trains the Ohio Railway Museum is a really unbeatable experience. Adults are just $8, kids 4-12 are $6 and kids under 4 are free.
990 Proprietors Road Worthington, Ohio 43085 614-885-7345
Josh Quinn is the co-founder of Tigertree, Cub Shrub and a girl named Emma. When he isn't busy with store or parenting tasks you can find him in over his head at a house construction or vintage vehicle restoration project.